武庫川女子大学 教育研究社会連携推進室







Mukogawa Women’s University,
Community Liaison Division for Education and Research

Basic Policy

This division will connect human resources (students, faculty and staff) and intellectual resources (results of education and research) of MWU with social resources outside MWU (local governments, public institutions, companies, local residents, etc.) , take these connections as an opportunity to create new knowledge and to deepen an understanding of knowledge and contribute to vitalization of education and research at MWU and the prosperity or progress of society.

This division will help MWU and other universities, in the fields of education, research and social contribution, to utilize the mutual interaction between human and physical resources held by these universities for vitalization of education, research and social contribution of these universities and for promotion of prospering or progressing their human resources and creating new knowledge.

By promoting practical education and research activities in collaboration with local communities and other universities, this division will help students to understand their own role in society, to find challenges and to present solutions for them in the real world, through which process this division will develop human resources who contribute to the prosperity or progress of society.

This division will utilize the intellectual, human, and physical resources of MWU and local communities to revitalize educational and research activities at MWU. This division will preserve the results of those educational and research activities as intellectual property and then promote to give the preserved assets back to society through community liaison activities.

For the purposes mentioned above, this division will actively present our achievements to society and contribute to the further prosperity of humanity and MWU.
Operation Policy and Main Goals


武庫川女子大学 教育研究社会連携推進室


〒663-8558 兵庫県西宮市池開町6-46
中央キャンパス 本館5階

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